Sunday, May 27, 2012

Global warming idiocy

During the 1980s, some "scientists" began to float the idea that the earth was warming because of man caused use of carbon fuels, and that something must be done about it. Considering that less than 10 percent of the earth's surface is inhabited, that 70 percent of the earth's surface is water and has no population at all, that most of the world's inhabitants use hardly any carbon fuels at all, and that the earth has experienced numerous periods in past history that are warmer than today, periods when carbon fuels were not used at all, this is an astonishing conclusion. It is ludicrous to conclude man and carbon fuels are causing the earth to warm.

What is even more bizarre is that carbon has been identified as the bad guy, carbon is now declared to be a pollutant, a poison, an environmental hazard, and evil component of life that must be controlled. Have these bright intellectuals forgotten that carbon is the basic component of life on earth? that without carbon, there would be no life?

But more intellectually honest scientists have observed that as carbon increases, plant growth increases, food production increases, and that life would be much better, less hunger, less poverty, less suffering, if carbon were to increase.

And why the hysteria over the earth warming? It is well established that a warmer earth would mean less illness, less disease, more food, less suffering; everyone would be better off if the earth was in fact warmer.

It's astonishing that so many highly educated and knowledgeable scientists have jumped on the bank wagon of global warming, using the most obtuse arguments, and considering the only data that supports this theory are computer generated models. Real data does not support this claim. But once it is understood that the intellectuals of the day all feed at the government trough, and that their existence can only be justified and paid for by tax dollars flowing to them as they develop research that supports the notion of global warming, this phenomenon is better understood.

Today, those who have the most to gain from the global warming/climate change deceit, have attempted to silence critics, declared "the debate is over", and fabricated all kinds of intellectually indefensible data, reports and studies, to defend their thesis. Nearly every undesirable aspect of life on earth is now attributable to global warming by these pseudo-scientists. All weather anomalies are now credited to climate change; drought, hurricanes, flooding, rainfall, snowfall, and any other weather related incident is now declared to be caused by global warming.

These extremists have become so desperate that the most bizarre boogeymen have been identified as the cause of global warming and carbon increase; the seas, the forests, cows, animal life, humans, bacteria, and that all are accused and must be dealt with if life on earth is to continue. And somehow the outrageous predictions of the proponents of this theory, that fail to ever come close to being accurate, are still given credence in the press and on college campuses around the world.

Talk about dumb, this stuff is really dumb. The theory is full of holes and contradicted every day by responsible scientists; still like some who held for centuries that the earth was flat, global warming advocates are undeterred by reality.

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